Safeguarding Our Children
Keeping kids safe from abuse is a high priority at Shepherd of the Hills. Safeguarding Our Children (SOC) is a collection of policies, procedures and education that reduces the risk of child sexual abuse at Shepherd of the Hills. SOC has a screening component that requires a formal application, background check and references for all paid staff and volunteers, who work with kids. It has an education component that helps people understand abuse, reporting procedures, and the behavioral profile of pedophiles. There is also a supervisory component that establishes guidelines for maintaining two adults at all youth activities and creating a culture of awareness and watchfulness among all adults at Shepherd. Everyone who works with minors at Shepherd is required to up-date his/her SOC requirements annually.
Please follow all the steps below
- Biblical Foundation
- Participation Covenant Statement
- Church Mutual’s Safety Tips
- General Information About Abuse
- Understanding the Behavioral Profile of a Child Molester
- Are You a Mandatory Reporter
- Reporting Procedures for Suspected Abuse
- Volunteer Reporting to Social Services
- Program Assessment
- Background Check Authorization
- Child Youth Worker Application